How I Can Help

Frederick Douglass once said (and I’m paraphrasing here), “It’s easier to raise strong kids than to repair broken adults.”

My mission is to work with parents to nurture a new generation of resilient and savvy kids who are not only physically safe but also emotionally healthy and confident.

I firmly believe that the information and advice I share can help break the generational cycle of violence that plagues our society.

While we can’t end all crime for all time, we can certainly give your child the best possible chance of avoiding victimization and living a joyful, violence-free life.

If you want to transform your child into a little badass who can protect and defend themself in dangerous situations, you’ve come to the right place.

Read My Books

Dive into my informative and actionable books, Raising Badass Kids (for parents of tweens & teens), Badass Parenting (for parents of kids 0 to 9), or the PG-rated Heroic Parenting (also for parents of kids 0 to 9).

Each of these books provide crucial insights on how to equip children to handle various dangerous situations, from bullying to online dangers and more.

Once you read my book(s), you’ll feel more knowledgeable and confident in your ability to talk candidly with your child at their age and maturity level without scaring them to death. Snarky, funny, and irreverent, these entertaining books (with TONS of downloadable bonus content) are the new bible for parents looking to raise safe, savvy, confident kids.

Enroll in My Online Course!

I’m in the process of creating an online course—Raising Badass Kids: The Proactive Parent’s Field Guide to Predator-Proofing Kids—which will cover the most important content from my books, leading you through clear, actionable steps to empower your kid to protect and defend themself from “villains.” 

Also, because the #1 complaint I hear from parents is that they don’t know what to say about body safety or how to say it to their kids without scaring them to death, I include a section in which I speak directly to your child, telling them what they need to know about these issues. The videos are designed for you to watch with them and then talk about what they’ve learned.

I’m also including modules about how to empower kids with disabilities and how to teach your kid to fight like a “rabid Tasmanian devil” to escape an assault or abduction attempt. 

You do NOT want to miss this amazing and life-changing course! Sign up for my newsletter to stay tuned for more information about how and when to enroll.

Check Out My Resources Page

You don’t have to go far for awesome advice on how to be a badass parent! Visit my Resources page for a collection of inspiring books, creative parenting hacks, and articles that have enriched my own life. 

Additionally, explore the advocacy organizations listed for additional support with various challenges you or your loved ones may be facing. These resources can provide valuable insights and entertainment for you and your family.

Reach Out For More Help

I genuinely want to support you. Feel free to reach out to let me know how I can help.